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Aylesford School teachers are currently involved in a 2-year CPD course, called the Embedding Formative Assessment Programme, which develops and embeds formative assessment in lessons. One of our key focuses for developing teaching and learning is making sure we are checking students understanding and adapting our lessons to support this.
There are four groups of teaching staff, called TLC’s - Teacher Learning Communities, who take part in EFA CPD sessions throughout the year. These are lead by our wonderful TLC leaders - Mr Haydon-Caton, Mr Mushekwa, Mr Baker, Mrs Baker, Mr Heather, Mr Herrod, Mr Nichols and Mrs Lawton.
These TLC leaders run the CPD sessions and make sure staff are all focused on developing their formative practice in lessons and they play such an important role in supporting the development of teaching and learning.
We asked the TLC leaders to nominate 2 members from each group who have shown great commitment to participating in the EFA course, to be nominated as EFA stars for Term 1 and Term 2.The TLC leaders did struggle as they said lots of staff had shown great engagement but the following have stood out these past two terms.
Term 1 and 2 EFA stars are:
Group 1 - Mrs Johnston and Mr Martindale
Group 2 - Mr Weare and Miss Watson
Group 3 - Mrs Nixon and Mr Aka
Group 4 - Mrs Duff and Mr Green
We thank you all so much for engaging in this programme of teaching and learning development. We know this will have such a positive impact on our student’s progress!
We look forward to see who the next EFA stars will be for Terms 3 and 4!
10 February 2025
9 February 2025