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Our Library is called a Learning Resource Centre (LRC). The LRC Manager is Miss Cadd.
The LRC is open from 8:00am-3:30pm Monday to Thursday and 8:00am-3:00pm on a Friday. Students are welcome to use the LRC before school, after school, and lunch time. Homework Club is held in the LRC on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:00pm-3:30pm.
The LRC resources are managed with a computerised system called ‘Simple Little Library System’. All resource items are identified by a barcoded label and recorded in the library catalogue. Resources available in the LRC are fiction and non-fiction books, including a selection of books for dyslexic and struggling readers and graphic novels. There are magazines and newspapers, educational games and computers.
The fiction books are continuously being developed. The books are chosen for the LRC by looking at the current bestsellers and popular choices for children aged 10-18 years. The suggestion box is emptied regularly and the suggested books are ordered.
The non-fiction section is also being developed by asking members of staff which topics they will be covering and which books they would find useful for their students to use whilst researching. Again books are ordered based on suggestions from the box.
Accelerated Reader is a computer programme that helps manage and monitor independent reading practice. At the beginning of each term students will take a STAR test to find out which level of books are most suited to them. They will then pick a book at this level and read it at their own pace. When finished, they will take a short quiz on the computer - passing the quiz is an indication that they have understood the book.
If students achieve 100% in a quiz their name will be put on the 100% board. At the end of each term all the names on the board will be entered into a prize draw. The more times a name is on the board the more chance there is of winning!
There are many other chances to win prizes through the Accelerated Reader Programme; this can be done by earning points, reading the most words etc.
For more information about Accelerated Reader please click here
myOn is a personalised literacy platform that offers unlimited access to an enhanced digital library. It is used during LRC lessons but can also be used at home, giving students access to thousands of books. Students can read on their favourite digital device, online or offline, and can use the built-in close reading tools to markup pages, highlight words, listen to audio versions, and interact with the text.
myOn provides students with a variety of formats and genres including, fiction, nonfiction, and graphic novels. Titles are available in English, Welsh and a growing Language Pack of international languages. Students reading is personalised via built-in reading levels and interest assessments.
Students can self-monitor their progress giving them ownership over their own reading as well as accessing their own Profile Reports at school and at home.
Once a week in mentor time, all students in years 7-9 partake in a group reading session. The students and their mentor read aloud from their chosen book with the mentor leading a discussion on the content and themes. The books read during mentor reading are chosen based on reading ages of the groups, include engaging and age-appropriate content and link with PSHE themes for discussion
Students may borrow books from the LRC for up to three weeks.. If this is not long enough then the book can be renewed and kept for longer. Each student is responsible for the resources issued to them. If an item is lost or damaged, the borrower will be asked for a contribution towards the cost of replacement.
In the LRC there is a ‘Comments/Suggestion Box’. If students would like to make any suggestions then they can be added to the box, this may be to request a book that is not currently stocked or make a suggestion regarding resources that they might like to see in the LRC.
Student Librarians play a very important part in the day to day running of the LRC. There are many jobs to do on a daily basis in the LRC including: checking the books are on the shelves in the correct order, putting books away, maintaining the areas, updating the computer system and various other duties.
Students are welcome to volunteer for these jobs and become a ‘Student Librarian’
10 February 2025
9 February 2025
6 February 2025
23 January 2025
19 December 2024
4 December 2024