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Saturday 1st February year 13 had the rare opportunity to visit HMP Elmley on the Isle of Sheppey. This was a fantastic chance to visit a working Category B prison and one which holds people who have committed all types of offences, including the most serious of crimes. Students were expertly guided through main reception and where all prisoners are processed by Mr Haynes and Ms Newsham. Students heard about the importance of sniffer dogs and technology that is used in the prison to get an understanding of the problems with drugs, knives and guns being bought into the gaol. Students also had the opportunity to see inside a prison cell, try on personal protective equipment used with the most violent inmates and also see around other important areas of the prison that focuses on rehabilitation of offenders such as the gym, library and the Chapel.
Our students were very glad to be let out by the end of the visit and all enjoyed a McDonald’s tea, making the most of their freedom.
All students showed tremendous courage, respect and resilience when touring the gaol. Special thanks to Mr Haynes and Ms Newsham as well as Mr Blair and Mr Neeve for accompanying our students and organising such an educational trip.
10 February 2025
9 February 2025