Sixth Form Attendance Policy

Aylesford School acknowledges the essential role that good school attendance plays in academic and personal development for Post 16 students. Promoting regular attendance is a key component in students’ employability skills and work ethic.  At Post 16 there is an expectation that students should have a minimum of 95% attendance.


All students sign a 6thForm contract; this clearly states that a minimum of 95% attendance is required from all students.

Students should make every effort to make medical/dental appointments and driving lessons out of school hours. It is the student’s responsibility to make contact with school if they are unable to attend for any reason.

If students come onto the school site late, they are expected to sign in on the attendance sheet, in the 6thform area. Students are not expected in school during study leave sessions unless requested by their teachers.


We encourage parents to take an active interest in ensuring students attend school regularly and punctually. Parents are advised of the 6thform contract at the beginning of the academic year. Where there are significant attendance concerns then parents/carers will be required to contact the school regarding their child’s absence.

Holiday Requests

Term time holidays are not approved in the 6thform and applications for them will be declined. Our full attendance policy can be viewed in the 6thform area of the school website.